Sis has returned + tips for uni
I realised I have not posted for the last 2 years and I oop-
Contrary to popular belief I have not died I have only become very busy with uni and life in general. I promise to post more regularly from now on. For this post I have decided to share with you guys some tips I have learnt during my last 2 years at uni. For context I am studying a Science degree (which a sneaky unofficial minor in arts) so all of my tips may not apply to you. And so we begin!
Unlike high school in uni no one will be there to remind you of what you need to do *cue scary music*. This is what I did to make sure I had great (read as: mediocre) time management skills:
* Use a diary! This might seem excessive or obvious but they honestly help so much. Before the semester gets crazy make sure to write down when all your assessments and exams are so you can start preparing for them as early as possible.
* Designate a study place. Make sure there are no distractions such as your phone or TV or fridge there. Keep everything you need to study there such as pens, pencils, study notes, textbooks etc.
* Find your learning style. Everyone as their own learning style that works best for them. The four main types are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Personally I am a visual learner, and so my study techniques consist of flash cards, posters and powerpoints. If you are an auditory learner you could try mnemonics, reading out loud the content and studying in a group session. Kineasthetic learners can try flash cards and using pens and highlighters to connect and organise concepts.
* Use your commute time to get things done. Obviously this applies only if you commute to and from uni (the rest of ya'll are lucky). I use to start out doing nothing but listening to music during my commutes, but now I actually become productive. You don't have to do anything too dramatic, just basic things like doing readings and making plans for assignments.
* If your course includes practicals, try reading your manual/notes for the prac beforehand. This has helped me immensely as I was able to define key terms I didn't know and watch videos based on the prac so I knew exactly what I was doing. I guess this tip also applies to lectures and tutorials so that you are better prepared and spend the time listening to the lecturer/tutor instead of sitting there confused asf.
Being a student generally means you don't have a lot of money, here are some tips to save your coins!
* Don't buy the textbooks. There are exceptions to this however when the book is required for a unit then you can buy them secondhand from websites such as (not a promo though I wish it was). Otherwise you can just either borrow the textbook from the library or photocopy the pages/chapters that you need.
* Sell your old textbooks. This links to the above tip. After you are done using a textbook you can sell it and get your money back. I usually sell mine for the same amount I brought it for (sneaky hehe), but you might have to sell it for a bit lower based on the demand for it.
* Take advantage of student discounts. Many stores and other places have discounts for students - all you need to do is show your student ID card.
* Apply for financial assistance. Every (or most?) unis should have scholarships and bursaries that students can apply for. Generally they have different categories and you should apply for as many as you can. They help immensely as it reduces financial stress and allows you to better focus on your studies.
Sadly I don't have many tips for the social aspect of uni as I spent my first year of uni essentially alone (but sis is good now). But I would highly recommend joining clubs and societies that you are interested in. This helps as you are able to meet people that share the same interests and passions as you. Also go out of your way to actually talk to people in your lectures/tutes/labs as you spend an entire semester or longer with them and it helps that you see each other regularly.
Here are my best uni related memes:
Here are my best uni related memes:
Hope my tips have helped you and if they haven't then you must be a mature aged student.
Little brown girl x
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